Emily Reo - Minha Gatinha

Emily Reo acaba de poner su disco Minha gatinha en línea de forma gratuita, originalmente sólo estubo disponible mediante la compra de cassettes. Esto no quiere decir que no deba comprar el cassette si te enamoras de Minha gatinha! Yo había escuchado algunas canciones que habían estado flotando alrededor del Internet, pero no todo el álbum. Es realmente impresionante! Cada canción se acerca con similares texturas lo-fi, unas pocas percusiones en reverb, guitarras y teclados, a veces xilófonos u otras pocas excéntricidades + la voz de Emily. Con esto hay una cohesión en todo el álbum en el que no se sale de estado de ánimo de pista en pista, y sin embargo, cada canción suena diferente y tiene su propio sentimiento. Algunas canciones son calmadas, edificantes o tristes, y otros como "Paper Books" or"Metal On Your Skin" son un poco más misteriosas. Enmascaradas detrás de todo la reverberación de una voz muy bonita. Minha gatinha es la mezcla perfecta para un dormitorio de día lluvioso.
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Emily Reo just put her album Minha Gatinha online for free, originally only being available through purchase of cassette. This isn't to say you shouldn't still buy the cassette if you fall in love with Minha Gatinha! I had heard a few songs that had been floating around the internet but never the whole album. It's really awesome! Each song is approached with similar textures--lofi with some reverby click track drums, guitar/keys, sometimes xylophone or other little eccentric things and Emily's vocals. With this there is a cohesiveness to the album where you won't get taken out of the mood from track to track, and yet each song sounds different and has it's own mood. Some songs are soothing uplifting or sad songs, and others like "Paper Books" or"Metal On Your Skin"are a little more eerie. Masked behind all that reverb is a really pretty voice. Minha Gatinha is the perfect bedroom mix for a rainy day.

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