Pollyester ha grabado doce canciones de "Earthly Powers", lo que sin duda dará impulso a todo el mundo pop. En algún lugar entre Stereolab,Les Rita Mitsouko,Siouxsie Siuox, The Slits, Can, Chrisma y Nico, el dúo de Munich ha dado a gusto con su candente electrónica. Sin robar o imitar, con solo algunos reconocibles destellos, llegarán al cerebro con escuela de música pop para luego evaporarse en la amalgama del sonido único del dúo al momento siguiente. Un sonido que inexorablemente taladra el cuerpo con una fuerza análoga y un montón de melodías pegadizas. Similares contemporaneos americanos como Rainbow Arabia, Peaking Lights o The Soft Moon, Pollyester no están interesados en etiquetas de género y alegremente saltan entre atmósferas espeluznantes y eufóricas. Ritmos tribales, enérgicos krautrock,disco-strings y Witch-House-moments- son socios por igual en sus prismáticos arreglos. Todos ellos brillan por arte de magia gracias a la emotiva frescura discursiva de Pollyester y promueven el pop de doble finalidad que aferra al oyente, al tiempo que suena de alguna manera maliciosa y coronado por letras surrealistas.
Pollyester have recorded twelve songs for "EARTHLY POWERS", which will certainly boost them around the pop globe. Somewhere in between Stereolab, Les Rita Mitsouko, Siouxsie Siuox, The Slits, Can, Chrisma and Nico the Munich duo has made themselves comfortable with their electronic sizzling. They don't steal and they don't imitate, just here and there a few flashes of recognition will hit brains with pop music schooling, only to evaporate in the duo's unique sound amalgam the next moment. A sound that inexorably bores itself into the body with an analogue strength and plenty of catchy tunes without letting itself reduce to one explicit style. Similar to contemporary North-American newcomers such as Rainbow Arabia, Peaking Lights or The Soft Moon, Pollyester are not interested in any genre labeling and playfully jump between spooky and euphoric atmospheres. Tribal rhythms, energetic krautrock, disco strings and Witch-House-moments are equal partners in their kaleidoscope arrangements. All of them magically glisten thanks to Polly's cool emotional speech song and promote double bottom pop that clings to the listener and at the same time sounds somehow bitchy. The music is topped by Polly's surreal lyrics, all of which loop themselves into the brains of listeners with their mantra choruses and project nightly metropoli- tan neon-stories on the inner screen.
The British press already labeled the duo as "Cosmic Disco" thanks to their psychedelic energy, however, with the supplementary "Lindstrom on Mescalin". A nice compliment that forgets to mention, though, that Pollyester ignite their unique space shuttle fuel and no matter what speed they play and with what atmosphere they toy they rotate in their own orbit with their boogie basshooks, their twinkling synthesizer melodies and their twisted grooves.
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